

Blenheim Bouquet


Founded in 1870 by William Penhaligon, the house encapsulates the English idea of a traditional heritage fragrance house, dedicated to creating scented stories.
From the original Hammam Bouquet in 1872 – inspired by the smell of the Turkish baths located next to the fi rst boutique on Jermyn St - to recent creations like As Sawira in 2015, legacy with a twist is at the core of the house.
Each and every creation explores facets of high perfumery, challenging the traditions of the art and seeking new ways to interpret elegance.
Truly English, Penhaligon’s is passionate about ingredients and still manufactures its scents in England using the fi nest rare ingredients.




Penhaligon’s Luxury Hotel Collection Penhaligon’s Luxury Hotel Collection off ers a selection of two timeless off ers a selection of two timeless classic ranges. Quercus is a modern classic ranges. Quercus is a modern and invigorating cologne  featuring an and invigorating cologne  featuring an alchemy of citrus and amber, while the alchemy of citrus and amber, while the fresh and elegant Blenheim Bouquet fresh and elegant Blenheim Bouquet off ers a bracing mix of citrus oils, spices off ers a bracing mix of citrus oils, spices and woods. Both are presented in the and woods. Both are presented in the Penhaligon’s signature bottle. Penhaligon’s